Sunday, January 18, 2009

The year of discipline?

I mean, I guess that's why I started this blog, to do something and stick to it. I don't know if it's inklings of midlife crisis, but I'm realizing more and more that our time on this earth is very finite, even more so the older you get; there's certainly no guarantees in life. So this morning, after reading some of Vincent Laforet's brilliant blog (I was on the topic of photographers being their own worst editors), I went back into my image library of some images that didn't "make the cut" the first time around, usually due to time constraints. The image below is a prime example of this, it's not a perfect image by any means,(in this case due to an inferior extender and poor lighting) but on second look almost a year later, it has some cool things about it:

Unidentified surfer, Lake Superior, Marquette MI

I chose the Lake Superior surfer image for today as I have been working on a couple projects related to Lake Superior surfing, and, once again, I'm off on one of my sidetracked winding tangents. I posted a quick blog here for the local surf crew as I know many of the surfers in the area are getting pics and vids that they want to share, and this would be a great way of having a central point to find those.
I look forward to the feedback on this.

So where am I going with this? Going off on tangents isn't necessarily the best use of time,being reminded once again time on Earth is very finite.

It's hit me like a ton of bricks that structure and discipline are necessary, very necessary to get on top of workflow processes to be more productive. Laforet's final cut blog really struck a nerve with me when I realize I have over a year's worth of images that I haven't even gotten to a second look for the "final, final cut".

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